Contact us

On this page you will find our contact information, and you can contact us by phone, by email, through the contact form or in person. We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact us

+45 23 90 77 87

Our telephone opening hours are between 9-17 on weekdays and between 10-17 on weekends.

We will take care of your inquiry as soon as possible, and endeavor to respond within 24 hours.

Use the contact form

Alternatively, you can use the contact form at the bottom of the page, where you can expect a response within 24 hours.

Do you have questions?

Get answers to frequently asked questions here.

If you need an answer to something, get in touch with us ↓

Contact us by email: or phone: +45 23 90 77 87.We will take care of your inquiry and answer it as soon as possible.

Contact us

If you are interested or have questions, you are welcome to fill out the contact form or send us an email at You are also welcome to call us on +45 23 90 77 87. We will take care of your inquiry and endeavor to respond within 24 hours.

We hope we can find a solution or answer the questions you have so that you have a better experience with us!