Disinfection and hygiene

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Sådan holder du din håndsæbe fri for bakterier!

Sådan holder du din håndsæbe fri for bakterier!

Håndsæbe er en vigtig del af vores daglige hygiejnerutiner, men vi glemmer ofte, at sæbedispenseren selv også kan blive en kilde til bakterier. Selvom det kan virke som en lille ting, kan ophobning...

Alternativer til engangsprodukter: Reducer miljøaftrykket

Alternatives to disposable products: Reduce the environmental footprint

As the world becomes more aware of the environmental impact of our daily habits, it becomes crucial to consider how we can reduce the use of single-use products. In this blog post, we will look at...

Guide til sikker madlavning i storkøkkener

Guide to safe cooking in commercial kitchens

Maintaining a high standard of hygiene in a commercial kitchen is essential to ensure food safety and prevent foodborne illness. Bacteria such as Campylobacter and Salmonella can spread quickly if...

Rengøring og desinfektion efter vandskade

Cleaning and disinfection after water damage

When water damage occurs, the consequences can be extensive. Whether caused by flooding, a burst pipe or a leaky roof, prompt and effective cleaning and sanitizing is essential to minimize damage a...

Desinfektion efter skadedyr: Hvad gør man?

Disinfection after pests: What to do?

When pests such as rats, mice, cockroaches or bed bugs invade your home or business, it is not only an annoying nuisance, but also a health risk. After controlling these pests, it is essential to c...

Guide: 7 trin til effektiv håndvask

Guide: 7 steps to effective handwashing

In these times when hygiene is of utmost importance, it is crucial to know how to wash your hands properly to remove bacteria and viruses. Effective hand washing can be a simple but powerful way to...

Håndtørrer til toiletfaciliteter: Hvad er fordelene?

Hand dryer for toilet facilities: What are the benefits?

When we think of public restroom facilities, we often picture rows of paper towels and overflowing trash cans. But what if we could replace these with a more sustainable and hygienic solution? This...

Bambuspapir: hvilke fordele og egenskaber har bambus?

Bamboo paper: what advantages and properties does bamboo have?

In a world where sustainability and environmental awareness are in focus, it is important to consider how our daily choices affect the planet. One of these choices is the use of paper towels. Tradi...

Campylobacter: Hvad er det, og hvordan bekæmper du det?

Campylobacter: What is it and how do you fight it?

Campylobacter is one of the most common causes of bacterial infections in humans. It is often found in animal products, especially poultry, and can cause serious gastrointestinal infections. In thi...

Desinfektion og forebyggelse af bananfluer i fødevareindustrien

Disinfection and prevention of banana flies in the food industry

Banana flies, also known as fruit flies, are a common problem in the food industry. These small, rapidly reproducing insects can create major challenges if not handled properly. In this article, w...

Desinfektion og forebyggelse af skimmelsvamp

Disinfection and prevention of mould

Mold is a common problem in many places, and it can have serious consequences for both buildings and health. Finding an effective method to remove and prevent mold growth is therefore of great impo...

Guide til effektiv desinfektion af storkøkkener

Guide to effective disinfection of commercial kitchens

Commercial kitchens, where large quantities of food are prepared and handled, require special disinfection methods to keep the environment clean and safe. In this guide, we will go through step by ...