Why use alcohol-free hand sanitizer?

Hvorfor anvende alkoholfri hånddesinfektion?

Hand hygiene has never been more important than today, when we are faced with challenges such as the spread of diseases and bacteria. While alcohol-based hand sanitizer has been the most common solution, there is growing interest in alcohol-free alternatives. This blog post delves into the benefits of alcohol-free hand sanitizer over alcohol-based hand sanitizer, and we also explore its positive impact on the environment. 

Gentle protection with alcohol-free hand disinfection 

Alcohol-free hand sanitizer has become popular as a gentle and mild alternative to alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Here are some of the main benefits: 

  1. Less drying of the skin: Alcohol-based hand sanitizers have a reputation for drying out the skin, especially with repeated use. In most cases, alcohol-free disinfection uses gentle ingredients that are not as drying as alcohol. This preserves the skin's natural moisture and reduces the risk of dry and irritated skin.
  2. Less risk of skin damage: Prolonged use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer can lead to cracking and damage to the skin. Alcohol-free alternatives reduce this risk and maintain the integrity of the skin.
  3. Allergy-friendly: Many alcohol-free hand sanitizers contain fewer fragrances and chemicals, which makes them gentler on people with allergies or sensitive skin.
  4. Effectiveness: Many alcohol-free hand disinfectants are documented to be more effective, as they eliminate several known microorganisms such as Norovirus (rubella disease).
Alcohol-free hand sanitizer as a more environmentally friendly choice 

In addition to being gentle on the skin and more effective, alcohol-free hand sanitizer also has a positive impact on the environment. Here are some ways it contributes to the environment: 

  1. Lower CO2 emissions: The production of alcohol for alcohol-based disinfection requires energy and resources. Alcohol-free hand sanitizer does not require this process, resulting in lower CO2 emissions.
  2. Reduced water consumption: Alcohol-based hand sanitizer requires water for production and dilution. Alcohol-free alternatives require less water and minimize overall water consumption.
  3. Limited chemical runoff: Alcohol-based hand sanitizer may contain higher concentrations of chemicals. Alcohol-free hand sanitizer usually contains fewer chemicals, which reduces the risk of chemical runoff into the environment.
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions 

Is alcohol-free hand sanitizer as effective as alcohol-based sanitizer? Yes, many alcohol-free hand sanitizer products have proven effectiveness against bacteria and viruses, making them just as effective as alcohol-based sanitizer. 

How does alcohol-free hand disinfection protect the environment? Alcohol-free hand disinfection often requires fewer resources for production and has lower CO2 emissions and water consumption, which makes it more environmentally friendly. 

Is alcohol-free hand sanitizer more suitable for people with sensitive skin? Yes, alcohol-free hand sanitizer is usually gentler on sensitive skin and may be a better choice for those with skin problems. 

How can I choose the best alcohol-free hand sanitizer? Be sure to choose an alcohol-free hand sanitizer that contains proven effective active ingredients against bacteria and viruses. Read the label carefully and choose a product from a trustworthy manufacturer. A well-documented and gentle alternative to alcohol-based hand disinfection could be Sanify water-based hand disinfection , which contains a mild active substance as well as Aloe Vera and Pro Vitamin B5, so that you avoid dry hands. 

Can I use alcohol-free hand disinfection as a substitute for alcohol-based disinfection in all situations? Yes, alcohol-free disinfection is a good substitute for alcohol-based hand disinfection, especially if you want to avoid drying out the skin and contribute to the environment. 

Ultimately, alcohol-free hand sanitiser is a gentle and effective alternative to alcohol-based sanitiser, offering protection against bacteria and viruses without compromising skin health or the environment.  

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