Hygiene & disinfection in food companies

Hygiejne & desinfektion i fødevarevirksomheder

Here you can read more about how hygiene and disinfection in food companies is carried out, what should be done and how you can ensure that your disinfection complies with the authorities' guidelines.


Hygiene and disinfection in food establishments

All food establishments must clean thoroughly often - and in some places several times a day. The company must ensure sufficiently effective cleaning and disinfection of premises, fixtures, equipment, work tools, etc. A clean company has fewer problems with bacteria and viruses.


Why is disinfection important in food businesses?
  • Combating bacteria and viruses
  • Compliance with the authorities' guidelines
  • Removal of biofilm from surfaces.


Cleaning of inventory

Cleaning of fixtures must be carried out as frequently as is required for hygienic reasons. Tools, machines etc. must be cleaned and, if necessary, disinfected at least once every working day. Containers must always be cleaned after emptying. Normally, cleaning and disinfection must take place as two separate work steps, both of which are finished with thorough rinsing with water, unless the disinfectant is approved with a "No-rinse claim".


What means should one use?

The company must use suitable cleaning agents, and the disinfectants must be approved by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration. The supervisory authority can at any time prohibit the use of specific cleaning or disinfecting agents if it causes health concerns or can contaminate the food. In addition, there are requirements for labeling and storage of these agents.

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